Collective Worship
“I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
As a Catholic School, we consider the teaching and practice of the Catholic faith to be very important. As well as being taught during lessons, it is practised regularly and frequently in all other aspects of school life.
We are a diverse community, welcoming those of all faiths and none. Our message for all is the same; to live and love each other as we have been taught through the teachings of Jesus Christ. We believe that every child is unique and by working together we can help your child to thrive in the primary years.
We consider our diversity a strength of the school, embracing tolerance and acceptance, while teaching our children how to live in a multi-faith, multicultural society.
Prayer and worship
Prayer and Collective Worship is central to the live of St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Academy. IT happens every day. We provide opportunities for children’s spiritual growth and development through participation in a variety of forms of worship and prayer.
We endeavor to ensure our Collective Worships and Liturgical Prayer is engaging, active and interesting for all pupils so that it inspires them to have deep thought and heartfelt responses. Every pupil has the opportunity to encounter Jesus.
Our pupils are always keen to participate in Acts of Worship and can lead them with confidence and creativity. We encourage different forms of prayer – prayer in song, spontaneous prayer, formal prayer and silent prayer. We encourage pupils to share what they are wondering about or things that they think are relevant.
Our pupils work together to plan and deliver Collective Worship in their classes. They create the environment, choose a Gathering activity, the Word, our Response to the Word and our Mission. We have a progression of knowledge and skills in planning an act of worship that starts in Foundation 1 and means that by the end of Key Stage 2 our pupils are confident and experts in planning and delivering thought provoking and purposeful worship sessions.
Please read our Collective Worship Policy below: