Year 2

We are now in our final year of Key Stage One and have a very busy year ahead of us. Our aim is to become brilliant role models for the younger children and show them how to live out our school mission.

Throughout the year, we will be working hard on becoming more independent learners and working to the best of our ability to achieve our full potential. We will also explore, discover and experience new things, enjoy our learning and work hard together to create a positive and helpful learning environment to support our class family.

In Reading, Writing and Maths the children will be building on the knowledge they already obtain and work on developing new skills. In our English lessons, we will dive into a range of different texts and use them to enhance our reading and comprehension skills in addition to writing. These texts will be closely linked to our class topics so we can build on our subject knowledge at every opportunity.

​In late May, the children will take Key Stage One SATs in Reading, Maths and Grammar & Spelling aimed at testing their learning progress. These tests are nothing to worry about and will be completed under normal classroom conditions and marked internally by teachers. More information will be provided for parents nearer the time. ​

In our classroom, you will always find us developing our love for learning with Miss Butt, Miss Gaskell & Mrs Wilson.

To find out more about our topics for the year and learning opportunities in Year 2, please take a look at the ‘Curriculum Overview’.


PE will continue to be on Monday of each week. Please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on this day with a water bottle. In addition, long hair must be tied up and jewellery must be removed.



During Year 2, the children will continue to develop their phonetic skills and become confident independent readers. The children will practise phonics every day; take part in whole class reading and guided reading sessions in small groups.

All children will be sent home with two coloured banded books, a reading diary and a reading journal each week. Please read these books with your child every day to develop fluency and accuracy, discussing unfamiliar words using the glossary at the back of books. Do ensure you record any progress in your child’s reading diary.

Details regarding the reading journal and how to complete the tasks will be provided each week.

Reading books and journals are both due back in school on a Wednesday, to be sent home again on Friday. Reading books will not be changed if they haven’t been signed by a parent or carer.



On occasion, children will be set ‘homework’ on Purple  Mash, They will receive a note to inform them of this. These set pieces are often linked to research for topic lessons.

After the Autumn Term, children will be introduced to weekly spelling tests linked directly to the spelling rules learned during our English lessons.

Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars are brilliant resources for your child to use to develop skills learned at school.

Log-in details for each account will be attached to your child’s reading diary.

If you find log-in details to be incorrect, please do get in touch and we will arrange for them to be sorted as soon as possible.



In Year 2 we use Class Dojo to send you messages and reminders. We will also regularly post pictures and updates to the class story to show you an insight into the children’s day. Please ensure you use the sign-up code (found in your letter) so you don’t miss anything.



As usual, if you need to contact me, please use the class email or alternatively send me a message on Class Dojo.

I am also available most days before and after school, if necessary please come and see me.

We look forward to this year and the many learning opportunities it brings.

Miss Butt