Welcome to Year 1!
Year 1 begins the children’s journey into Key Stage One, so it’s a very important year! Throughout the year, we will be working on becoming more independent learners and always having a go. We will strive to do our best, achieve our full potential and embrace challenges. We will also explore, discover and experience new things, enjoy our learning and work hard together to create a positive and helpful learning environment to support each other.
We have an exciting year ahead of us with some great Theme topics including Around Our School, Toys, Kings and Queens and Heroes. We are learning to be mathematicians, writers, readers, scientists, designers, artists, historians and geographers – what a busy year! We will also be learning how to be kind friends and live out our school mission of ‘Love One Another’ every day.
In our classroom you will always find us developing our love for learning with Miss Cartledge, Mrs Webster and Mrs Wilson. To find out more about our learning in Year One, please see below.
Transition to Year 1
At the start of the year, we will be echoing a lot of the play-based learning your children did when they were in Reception to help make their transition easier. When the class is happily settled and ready for a more formal style of learning, we will gradually introduce it. We will regularly work in small groups moving to more whole class teaching.
Physical Education
PE will be on a Monday each week.
Children need to come to school in their PE kit on this day. Please ensure that all PE kit is labelled with your child name, long hair is tied up and any jewellery is removed. See our PE curriculum map to find out about the different sports and skills the children will be taught this year.
During Year 1, the children will continue to develop their phonics skills to become independent readers. We follow the Little Wandle scheme of learning. Further support for this can be found in the link below. The children will practise phonics every day, take part in whole class reading and guided reading sessions in small groups. All year 1 children will be given a phonetically decodable book and a library book. They will also be allocated an online phonics book to complete with supporting questions. All information regarding the online books will be in their reading diaries. Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day and will be changed on a Monday. Please read with your child every day and record any progress in your child’s reading diary.
Later in the year, children will need to complete the tasks in their reading journal. In addition, Maths task will be set on Mathlectics and Purlemash. Log in details will be stuck inside your child’s reading diary when they will begin working on these.
If you need to contact me, please use the class email.
I am also available before and after school so please come and talk to me.