School Meals


The food that children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing and eating a well-balanced diet will not only maintain and improve their health, but will also set them on the right track for later life. We understand this and that is why we work with a caterer who is passionate about serving fresh, high quality and locally sourced food that is cooked in our own kitchens.

Aspens Catering is our catering provider due to the freshness and quality of their food. They always strive to provide a nutritious range of food that differs every day and continues to be healthy, nutritious but above all else, safe in the unprecedented environment that we find ourselves in.

If your child has a special dietary requirement please see the below letter and Special Diets / Allergy Form.

Aspens Letter

Special Diets / Allergy Form

To view the Aspens menu please click the button below:


All religious and special dietary needs can be fully catered for. Please be aware that we do not provide Pick & Mix packed lunches of Jacket Potatoes.

We hope that this helps to make your decision about school meals a little easier. If your child has tried school meals before and does not currently have one, then we really hope that they will give them another try. Our caterers are experts in feeding school aged children and are really looking forward to providing your child with their school meal.

The cost is £2.60 per meal for Year 3 upwards (£12.25 per week) and £2.10 for Nursery meal (£10.50 per week). Payment is required in advance and should be made via your child’s online ARBOR account.

Free Meals / Pupil Premium

In September 2014, Universal Free School Meals were introduced for all pupils in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2. We encourage all parents to take up the offer.

As part of ensuring equality of provision across our schools, Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT has teamed up with Derbyshire County Council to confirm whether our academies are entitled to claim Pupil Premium Funding for your child. The Pupil Premium provides extra funding within the school for additional equipment and support. Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium, due to economic circumstances, will also be eligible for Free School Meals.

We are therefore asking all parents and guardians of children, including Nursery, to fill in the online form following the link below (please note, this redirects to a Derbyshire County Council form).

Free school meals and Pupil Premium funding – Derbyshire County Council

​Thank you for your ongoing support in this.

Packed Lunches

Children may bring a healthy packed lunch. These should be in a secure container and must not contain any glass bottles, sweets, chocolate bars, or nuts, including peanut butter, nutella etc. This is because there are pupils with severe nut allergies.

All lunch boxes will be stored in the red boxes next to your child’s class. These should be taken home at  the end of each day.

Morning Snacks

Foundation and Key Stage One Children are provided with a free piece of fruit, during morning break time every day, under the National Fruit Scheme. Milk is free for children under the age of five and those in receipt of free school meals. Otherwise, when your child reaches five, you will be asked to pay for school milk. A letter will be sent from the school office each term.

​Key Stage Two children are allowed to bring a snack from home to eat at morning playtime. This must be a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or plain biscuit. Snacks are not to be shared with others.