This is the first step in our Key Stage 2 journey, so it is a very special and important year for us. We will build on all our learning from Key Stage 1 and we will work really hard to be independent learners and become great role models for everyone in our school. We are very excited to be part of the Lower Key Stage 2 team and we work really hard together to be good examples to all of the younger children in our school community through our hard-working attitude; superb teamwork; and remembering to show kindness and respect to everybody.
In Year 3, we always try our best in our learning and celebrate the successes of everybody in our class. We think that it is really important to be proud of everybody’s achievements and encourage and support each other in our learning. We strive to be the best we can be and develop our confidence by learning from our mistakes and helping each other. In our classroom, we never give up and work hard to develop skills to help us to be able to achieve our best in every subject.
In English this year, we will be looking at building on the skills we learnt in Key Stage 1 and engaging positively with our new targets for Year 3. We will be enjoying a range of exciting books and using these to inspire our own writing by learning from the language, structure and content. We will then apply our understanding to our own planning, drafting, editing and redrafting in our own compositions. Also, we will build on our vocabulary to create amazing sentences and we will practise and continue to improve our joined handwriting style.
In Maths, we will be developing our understanding of ‘Number and Place value’ to help us to be more confident in completing lots of different calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Also, we will be focusing on trying to think deeply to complete reasoning and problem solving tasks where we will need to answer questions like, ‘How?’ and ‘Why?’ We are also going to work hard to recall our 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables and related division facts.
During Year Three, we will explore, discover and experience new things, enjoy our learning and work hard together to create a positive and helpful learning environment to support each other.
In our classroom, you will always find us with big smiles on our faces developing our love for learning with Ms. Holmes, Mrs. Brogan and our wonderful team. We are all very excited about the year ahead and all the fun we are going to have when completing our learning.
In Year 3, we spend lots of time developing our reading skills and nurturing our love for reading. In our class we develop our understanding of Reading Inference strategies and use these to help us develop a deeper understanding of the books we are reading.
We take home two banded reading books every Friday and they are returned on Wednesday to be changed. In our class, we also have a Reading corner with lots of books that we enjoy throughout the week for pleasure and share together. Try to go and visit your local library as they have lots of amazing new books for you to read to support your learning too.
In Year 3, our homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. Homework will include some spelling work and one other piece of homework based on what we are studying in class. All homework will come with an explanation sheet but please come and see us if you need extra help.
Websites to support our learning
All pupils have an online login for a Mathletics, Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash, which can be found on the inside cover of their Homework Books. These are really good resources to support their learning. Some weeks tasks will be set on these websites as Homework but this will always be written on their Homework sheet.
PE and Fitness
We have PE lessons on a Monday and Fitness lessons on a Thursday so do not forget to come to school in your school PE kit. You will also need to remember your water bottle and make sure long hair is tied up and no jewellery is worn.
In Key Stage Two, we are allowed to bring our own snacks to school for break time but we must make sure our snack is healthy. Some ideas could be a piece of fruit, some breadsticks or an oat bar. Do not forget that we are a nut-free school.
If you need to contact us then you can contact us via our class email address:
We will get back to you as soon as possible or please feel free to speak to us before or after school.
For any extra details, please see our ‘Welcome Letter’ attached below.
Ms Holmes and Mrs Brogan