We are the High Flying Fives!
Welcome to Year Five! The children in St. Margaret Clitherow Academy are truly unique and in Year. 5, we are proud to be part of Upper Key Stage 2, where we work together with Year. 6 to be amazing role models for the younger children in our school. We understand the importance of modelling outstanding behaviour by treating others with love and respect and always trying hard in everything we do.
In Year. 5, we always take pride in our learning and strive to do our best, learning from our mistakes and working together to help each other reach our potential. We have great aspirations for ourselves and are always looking towards the future, sharing with each other our goals and dreams and discussing together how we are going to be successful.
In order to reach our potential in Maths, we understand that we need to practise our Timestables (as well as Squared, Cubed and Prime Numbers) and be fluent in our use of the four operations. In English, we know we need to read at least four times a week to develop our fluency and broaden our vocabulary. We are also working hard to learn all of the spellings on the Year 5 and 6 spelling list.
In our classroom, you will always find us working hard with Mr. Purdon, Miss Wright and Mrs Needham.