Year 6

We are the Special Sixes!

Welcome to Year 6!  The year where we end our SMC journey and use every opportunity to show what independent, confident, compassionate and hardworking young people we have become.  Our main aim is to be exceptional role models to the rest of the school: displaying acts of kindness, fairness and love to one another. We strive to be the very best in all that we do, embracing every learning opportunity and never giving up, we support each other in times of challenge and praise each other’s achievements and efforts in times of success.

​Throughout Year 6 we continue to build on our learning in maths, reading and writing.  We study a range of new topics, incorporating our reading and writing skills through this where possible.  Our aim is to become mature writers who use a variety of vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structures for effect and purpose.  We aim to read a range of texts varying in genres whilst gaining a wider bank of vocabulary to use in our own work.  This is achieved by reading every night and focusing on our reading inference strategies so that we can connect with a text and gain a good understanding of what we read.  In maths we aim to build on our previous knowledge and become confident mathematical thinkers who aren’t afraid to make mistakes but use them as a journey to gain a better understanding.  We are encouraged to utilise our own free time to practice and consolidate any new maths concepts we have learnt.

​Our classroom is an environment where everyone feels encouraged and supported in their learning, consequently we show a great determination to succeed and aim to do it all with a smile on our faces.

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