Since September 2020, the Health Education and Relationships Education aspects of PSHE became compulsory in all schools. Our PSHE curriculum overview details how these aspects are covered. The school’s Relationship and Sex Education programme is based on three core Catholic Education Service themes within which there will be broad overlap. The three themes are:

Created and loved by God (this explores the individual)

The Christian imperative to love self, made in the image and likeness of God, shows an understanding of the importance of valuing and understanding oneself as the basis for personal relationships.

Created to love others (this explores an individual’s relationships with others)

God is love. We are created out of love and for love. The command to love is the basis of all Christian morality.

Created to live in community – local, national & global (this explores the individual’s relationships with the wider world) 

Human beings are relational by nature and live in the wider community. Through our exchange with others, our mutual service and through dialogue, we attempt to proclaim and extend the Kingdom of God for the good of individuals and the good of society.

​RSHE at St Margaret Clitherow Academy.

At St Margaret Clitherow, we follow the ‘Ten:Ten+’ Life to the Full Programme as approved by the Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service.  This is further supplemented by a range of resources and materials that serve to enrich pupils’ learning.

Parents of year 5 and 6 pupils are informed of when these sessions will be, what they entail and have the right to withdraw their children from them, although parts of it is mandatory in the science curriculum.

Further detail regarding the rest of the RSHE curriculum – the Health Education coverage and further Relationships Education coverage can be found in the links below.