
English Intent

The intent for English at St Margaret Clitherow is to develop a love of Spoken Word, Reading and Writing in all our pupils through a broad and balanced programme of learning. We intend to create passionate, competent readers and writers who are eager to learn through an integrated approach to the teaching of English. Our intent for our English curriculum is to promote a shared love and understanding of English for all. We strive to make our curriculum engaging and accessible so that our pupils leave us with a passion for reading and writing, and can apply these skills in everything they choose to do.

Writing Intent

In Writing, we intend for all our pupils to be passionate, confident writers who can apply their knowledge of technical writing skills to a wide range of genres for a range of different purposes and audiences.  We provide opportunities for pupils to apply their writing skills across the Curriculum by embedding the key principles of writing to provide the tools and resources to create competent writers in all aspects of their learning.

Reading Intent

In Reading, we strive to create fluent, competent readers who apply their Phonics and decoding skills alongside their comprehension strategies to access a wide range of texts. We intend to create readers who engage with reading beyond the words on the page through their love of reading and willingness to be reading detectives to gain knowledge from the texts they read.

Spoken Language Intent

At St Margaret Clitherow, we strongly encourage the development of effective communication skills through all aspects of learning as spoken language plays an essential role in the development and knowledge of all pupils. We intend to stimulate language skills through the use of speaking and listening activities in every lesson to develop the knowledge and understanding of all pupils.