Our Governors

St Margaret Clitherow CVA is managed by the Headteacher in association with our Board of Governors.

The aim of the Governing Body is to help the academy provide the best possible Catholic education for pupils.

This is done using the following ideals:

  • Working with the Headteacher and staff to set strategic goals for the school, based on its mission and strategies

  • Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team to support and challenge them in running the school

  • Ensuring that the academy is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

  • Ensuring that the academy maintains its distinctive Catholic ethos and fully delivers its mission statement.

Committee Structure and Meetings

We hold six meetings a year. The meetings are chaired by Patricia Bradley, our chair of governors.

School Visits

As part of their role, governors are expected to visit the school at least once per term. This is in addition to supporting key school events. Governors are linked to key areas and visits are carried out to monitor and evaluate educational performance through learning walks and book scrutinies.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact Julie Sweeney at the Nottingham Diocese on 01332 293833.

Governor information – Attendance to Meetings and Declarations of Business Interests